
1 (567) 342-1819

Dream Big
Some years ago I knew that I wanted to consolidate the knowledge I had been gaining during my own journey to recover from several serious health issues. I continued to learn more about a lifetime of personal poor lifestyle choices and the negative impact they had on my health. There are many self care techniques and much scientific knowledge that for many reasons are not prominent in general society.
As a practicing physician I made efforts to share with patients as much as possible. Two problems made that difficult. One was the lack of well put together materials to share the breadth of information needed in a concise and understandable fashion. The other was the structure of the modern health care system. I personally put some materials together but time to work with patients was limited. 
The book is meant to be an easy to use guide for every traveler on their own journey to be the Optimal Self they can be. The book along with the organization we have formed are but the beginning of our effort to help as many people as we can, one day and one moment at time. We will coach, mentor, educate and celebrate each person who would like help as they cultivate their personal wellness journey to the level they desire. 
There are many people who have had a tremendous impact on my blessed life that helped lead to this work. As I have said many times, colleagues, patients, family and friends have given me more love and support than I could ever repay. 
In addition I want to make a special mention of Susie Kerscher and Paula Walrod. Their willingness to take my mangled hand written notes and turn them into this work was a task above and beyond the call of duty. I am eternally grateful. 
Finally I want to thank a committee of very special people who not only have played various important parts in my life but have also agreed to join our steering committee. This committee was formed as a sounding board to help us stay grounded while at the same time reaching for the sky. I did not ask permission to use names but Connie T., Connie S., Tonya L., Blessing W, Barb T., Cindy L., Liz W., you know who you are and how important you all are to me. I am eternally grateful.
So for those who were along my path in the past, and to those who will cross my path in the future, I have a wish for you all. 
May you be safe, may you be protected.
May you be free of internal or external harm.
May you be happy and contented.
May you be healthy and whole, to whatever degree possible.
May you experience the ease of Wellbeing.
With Love and Gratitude,

About Us

Becoming Optimal You LLC provides Science-Based Coaching for improving health, well-being,  weight loss, stress reduction, and personal performance.



Phone: (567) 342-1819
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Mailing Address:
Becoming Optimal You, LLC
427 Dussel Drive, Box 173
Maumee, OH 43537


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